Members Only
Teachers open the door, but you must enter yourself.
The Yuseikan Scholarship recognizes a student for their successful year as well as their future potential. One of the criteria is Uchi Deshi qualities: Loyalty, Commitment, Dedication and Honour. Like an apprentice program the recipient will be mentored by the dojo to be a better karateka and community member. A second criteria is financial need. The recipient is someone who understands priorities and will best use this opportunity to further themselves in karate, their education and in the dojo’s growth. The recipient is selected from winners of the Showa Cup and Kohai Awards. They will receive a free year of karate instruction.
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Michael is a typical teenager who would rather lounge on a couch, watch TV or play computer games. So why would a "lazy" person be chosen for this scholarship? This past year, Michael started training in the Adult class and a new drive and purpose emerged. There are times when he still thinks about skipping class but in the end he finds himself at the dojo. He currently has one of the best attendances. He has become a leader and pushes himself hard without complaint. He constantly sets an example for the others and is becoming more responsible each class. Michael is a work in progress but with the support of the dojo will have a bright future.
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Since 1995, this award has been given out quarterly to the member who has contributed the most to the dojo. This could be in volunteer time, teaching or coaching; or by being an exemplary example of inspiration, dedication, and improvement. Every three months, the students are asked to nominate the person who has influenced them the most during that period. Over the years, the award has gone to beginners, long term black belts, the very young and to the more "mature".
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This is a new award recognizing the "hardest worker" of the month. Every week, each black belt nominates the person they think has pushed themself the hardest and improved the most. At the end of the month, the nominations are tallied and the outstanding student is determined.
January 19, 2015
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Thanks for all your entries and votes! It looked like another busy holiday with celebrations, travel, and family time. Congratulations to Senpai Anita for her winning photo!
December 6, 2014
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Another successful event… and year! A big thank you to all the volunteers and organizers especially S. Tracy, S. Neil, S. Saloni, Raineil, Del and our kitchen crew S. Gavin, Steve, Kris and Danny. Congratulations to all our outstanding nominees and winners! The black belts did an incredible job with their presentations. The speeches have become so professional, creative and entertaining…it’s like being at the Oscars! Photos: Jeff J.
Showa Cup: October-December: Lucas
Top Male Athlete: Ishan
Top Female Athlete: Maya
Achievement Award – Karate: Eric M.
Achievement Award – Personal: Austin
Inspirational Award: Raineil
Citizenship Award: Joshua W.
Dedication Award: S. Neil
Volunteer Award: Delbert
Outstanding Junior: Cedric
Senpai Appreciation: S. Conan
Yuseikan Scholarship: Milos
October 25, 2014
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With the threat of this event being cancelled, Raineil came through and sold enough tickets to make this event a success. Luckily, he did, it turned out to be an interesting evening. The place was packed with Halloween parties and we had front row seats for the UFC fight. Thanks Raineil for making this an "educational" and enjoyable evening!
September 20, 2014
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This season's first dinner social/fundraiser was a success. We had a great turnout with more than the usual younger members. S. Broderick challenged them to the super-hot Bobby Wings and they all successfully accomplished the feat…with the aid of a few liters of milk! What better way to sit back, relax and socialize than with friends, Bobby Wings and the new favorite…the skillet cookie.
Summer 2014
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As you can see by the photos we had another busy summer. Thank you for all your entries and votes… the winner… Yoyo with her Teddy Bear photo. She wins a free month of karate and a t-shirt. Tied for second place is Alex (sand “camera”) and Kaitlyn (sunset beach stroll). They both win t-shirts. Congratulations to everyone and thanks for sharing your “summer” with us!
August 26 and 28, 2014
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Like most dojos, we have a high standard for each belt or stripe; students are marked on their efforts, abilities and knowledge. Each stripe must be earned…no one can just “show up and pass”. Congratulations to all those who went through the grading process. It’s not about the ranks or stripes, the most important thing is getting feedback, learning and improving… which everyone did! Thank you to all the Senpai who put extra time in to help their Kohai.
August 7-10, 2014
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Soke Sensei was the guest instructor at the Canmore Summer Camp, held this year from August 7-10. Attendees Taneda Sensei and German Sensei came from British Columbia and Nova Scotia making this a national event. Camp activities covered bo, kihon, kata and bunkai, as well as a banquet! Canmore is close to Banff National Park, with access to accommodations, many different types of restaurants, shopping, hot springs and the outdoor activities the Rocky Mountains are famous for. Many thanks go to the organizers of the camp who aim to present Canmore 2015 at the end of August next year! Contributed by: S. Broderick
July 6, 2014
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This is the second annual barbecue hosted by Kris and Steve. Last year, Kris held the event at his home but knowing the dojo has grown it was held at Burnaby Fraser Foreshore Park where there was lots of room. Despite the changing weather, the barbecue was a very successful, well attended event; in terms of fundraisers it was one of our better money makers. Not bad for a fun, social event where many of our old students/friends joined us. Please thank Kris and Steve for their time, generosity and for being such dedicated dojo supporters. They paid for all the costs (park rental, insurance, food, drinks, cutlery, etc.) so all money raised was donated to the dojo!!
May 31, 2014
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This is Karate BC’s most prestigious event, even more so this year since it is also Karate BC’s 40th anniversary. To qualify for the tournament each region in the province hosts their own local Playoff to select their top competitors. Our dojo did very well at the Playoffs with all our competitors qualifying for the Provincials. Unfortunately, due to other commitments many of our athletes could not attend the Provincials. Those that did participate did very well, renewed friendships, and gained valuable experience. Thanks Senpai Conan for coaching our group! Photos: Jason L.
May 24, 2014
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The last month has been very busy so it was nice having a good turnout to our social. This venue is chosen so the kids can join us and secondarily to challenge the infamous Bobby Wings. Perhaps, we’ve been coming too often… those that ate the hot wings thought they were less potent than before. Either people are getting used to them, they’ve toned down the heat/chemicals or maybe there’s special elixirs in that cookie dough dessert?
May 3, 2014
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The best part of any party is the people. The dojo is about long term friendships and relationships so it is fitting special events like these are more like reunions. The only thing better than seeing old friends is having them back in the dojo training. Hopefully, we’ll see some new “old” members again soon. A special treat was Veronika reciting her poem and S. Ruzbeh accompanying her on his violin. It’s definitely a multi-talented group!
April 27, 2014
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This was the first time our two dojos trained together at Queensborough so it was significant Soke Sensei was leading the class. Soke Sensei was impressed with the Queensborough students, facilities (like Edmonds, also recently renovated) and especially the close-knit community feel. With Queensborough’s support he sees us doubling our membership soon. It was also nice having most of our yudansha and senior belts attend this session since they play such an important role as we extend our karate family.
April 25, 2014
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Soke Sensei is karate royalty so his annual visit is always the highlight of the year. We usually see Soke Sensei at the end of his trip but this year we were the first stop of his 3 week cross-Canada tour. This visit would be extra special… Soke Sensei’s first meeting of the Queensborough dojo as well as training at the new Edmonds Centre. Even though space was cramped and he was still jet-lagged, Soke Sensei was immediately impressed by the new modern facilities.
April 12, 2014 and April 13, 2014
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Sensei Taneda is the highest ranking Chito Ryu instructor outside of Japan. He is also one of the most accomplished competitors and instructors in Canadian history. With years of experience, he and his dojo host this annual tournament/clinic; it is known for being one of the most organized and smoothest running karate events. This year, participants were again treated to a “learning experience”, renewed friendships and of course had lots of fun. Don’t forget to mark this event on next year’s calendar. Photos: Kris K.
April 5, 2014
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The Karate BC Provincial Championships are set for the end of May; in order to compete at this tournament athletes must first qualify at regional tournaments. Zone 4 includes dojos in Burnaby, New Westminster, Richmond and Delta…in terms of dojos it is one of the larger regions. Our members did very well at this tournament with all of our competitors now advancing to the Provincials. Congratulations! Photos: Jason L.
March 22, 2014
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Those that train know the dojo is like a sanctuary. Everyday problems and stresses are left at the door while we focus on the tasks at hand. Regardless of where we are, our dojo family is very supportive. Compared to the dojo, restaurants and pubs can be very noisy but our group still makes it a friendly, inviting environment. Life can be so stressful so it’s reassuring knowing we can escape and enjoy the company of dojo friends/family even if it’s just for a few hours a day.
February 25, 2014 and March 1, 2014
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No matter the age or belt level, gradings can be very stressful. For this grading, the youngest and least experienced did the best. The Tiny Tots group, was the most prepared, most improved and better focused than the older kids. Overall though, everyone did very well…CONGRATULATIONS and a big Thank You to the Senpai for their time and support!
February 22, 2014
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Our monthly dinners have become more of a social event rather than a fundraiser. The dojo is a place to be serious and focused while these dinners are a place to relax with dojo classmates and families. Long term friendships are much more important than raising a few dollars. Despite the snowfall and treacherous roads we still had a great evening.
February 15, 2014
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This is the 30th anniversary of our annual Club Photo. Many of our students were very young in their first pictures and now grown up they are joined by their own children. The dojo is truly a second family and one that continues to grow… the Queensborough dojo is a welcomed addition! In conjunction with the photos we also had our Nishi Kaigan meeting. This is our fundraising Society which aids students by subsidizing many of their training costs.
February 2, 2014
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S. Neil is one of our most dedicated students. Over the past 20 years he has attended more classes than anyone else; he rarely misses anything to do with the dojo… until now. In the past months his courtship and wedding changed his training schedule. Getting married is one of those few excuses where it really is okay to miss a few classes. As anticipated, it was a beautiful wedding with lots of eating, music, traditional dress, dancing and fun. Priya is involved in the martial arts so we look forward to not only S. Neil back to his regular schedule but also with Priya as a dojo classmate. Congratulations S. Neil and Priya!
January 25, 2014
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We had another successful event despite the busy day…S. Neil’s pre-wedding weekend; Robbie Burns Day, pre-Chinese New Year weekend, and several birthdays. As usual, it’s always good to see “old” faces again. With delicious burgers, a live band playing great cover tunes and of course good friends it was a fun evening.
January 14, 2014
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Welcome to our new students at the Queensborough dojo. The New Westminster area is unique, the students all live within walking distance, there is a small-town feel and a sense of community…most beginners know each other so come to the dojo already as friends. Since they’ve already gone through the bonding process it’s like welcoming one big family to Chito Ryu Yuseikan. Our extended family just got bigger!